Thursday, April 28, 2011


Kulakar sepi di kanvas waktu
kutitip rindu bersama bayu
kucari bayangmu di setiap penjuru
di sini aku setia menunggu

Monday, April 11, 2011


2pm 11th April 2011.

Went to SMK Seri Tanjung to chair the meeting for the State Level Debate. Took the coastal road.The stretch of road from Melaka town towards Kg Gelam is such a memorable one. More than 25 years ago I used to travel along the road to go to town. The children were still small at that time. They would read all the signboards, asked never ending questions and always interested in many things. Being able to read before the age of 5 made them very inquisitive. The car ride was never quiet. And I had to give logical answers to many a question!! Some answers were purely made up by Mummy, who happened not to know everything.

But the journey I took at 2pm was a silent one except for the songs over the radio. The children are no more small and no more with me. All three are young ladies pursuing life. There was nobody asking me to slow down just to read the signboards like those days... There was nobody to ask me all the WHYS and the WHATS...

Passed by the little house I used to live in when I transferred from Kelantan. Still there, that little house. Memories of yesteryears came flooding in my mind...Gone are the days when I was a young woman of 23 teaching in a school in an army camp. It was in that house I learned the lessons of life as a teacher, a wife and later a mother. Valuable lessons I must say...

Reached the school, looked for the meeting room and then briefed the teachers. Two schools did not turn up, so they had to agree to whatever decisions agreed by the other 6 schools. So the quarter final and the semi final were scheduled on the 20th of April and the final would be on the next day. I have to be there on both days, MEANING that I have to leave my English class for two consecutive days!! This is the one thing I am really uncomfortable with. This is the price yours truly have to pay for being the State Technical Officer for English Debate.
POI please!
Denied Mam!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Di kaca jendela


Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Woodsman and the Leprechaun

Long ago, a woodsman saved the life of a leprechaun and was given one wish. The woodsman thought for a long time and finally wished that each of his three daughters find a good husband.

But the leprechaun was full of games. "How am I to know what's good in your mind? I'll give them husbands, but you can name only one quality and it's got to be the same for all. What'll you have? I can make them clever, strong, beautiful, rich - you name it."

The woodsman said, "Then give me men of good character."

The leprechaun wasn't done playing. "And how am I to know what good character is?"

"Do you have children?" asked the woodsman.

"I do," said the leprechaun.

"And do you love them?"

"More than life itself."

"Then give my girls the kind of men you want for your children."

"Ah," the leprechaun said, "then you shall have honorable men with kind and loving hearts. And I'll throw in a strong conscience too."

The woodsman was a shrewd man and a good father. He knew the well-being and happiness of his children depends on the quality of their relationships. The quality of their relationships depends on the quality of the people they are with.

But what if the woodsman was asked what one quality he wants in his own daughters? As a wise father he would again ask for good character. Whether it's in one's spouse or oneself, cleverness, good looks, and money are nice, but in the end the most essential quality of a good life is good character.

This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts.

Michael Josephson

If I were to meet a leprechaun, I would ask the same thing...

Friday, April 8, 2011

semalam, esok. hari ini

Semalam sudah berlalu, tinggalah sebagai kenangan,
Esok belum hadir,penuh dengan impian,
Hari ini yang kudepani adalah cabaran.
Hadapi setiap hari ini dengan ketabahan semangat untuk menjadikannya semalam yg manis untuk dikenang di esok yang indah untuk dinanti.